Enter Last Name and SGI Member Number
Site: straygoose.org  
Last Name
(e.g., Doe)
SGI Member #
(see your card
e.g., 12-34)

AOL Users Please Note:  If you are having trouble with the log-on, please make sure that you are clearing your AOL browser's cache.   Even though AOL's Proxy cache is updated every 24 hours, you can clear your Browser Cache and force the reload of a page. This is done by either reducing the browser History to "0" and manually clearing all pages in history by deleting the files in the temporary internet files folder located in your Windows Directory or you can force a refresh by holding down the CONTROL key on your keyboard and mouse clicking on the AOL browser reload icon. The latter will completely clear all items in history.

If that doesn't work, then try using a Netscape (4.5 or higher) or Microsoft (5.0 or higher) browser and be sure to check Tools|Internet Options| Settings|Check for newer versions of stored pages (check something other than Never).